Microbiome Research

Research News

UC Irvine Microbiome researchers well represented at the Ecological Society of America (ESA) meeting in Portland

August 11, 2017

UC Irvine Microbiome researchers well represented at the Ecological Society of America (ESA) meeting in Portland (Aug 6-11, 2017) Allison led a session comparing plant…

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Two graduate students focused on microbiome research received awards at the UC Irvine Bio Sci Graduate Honors Convocation

June 14, 2017

Two graduate students focused on microbiome research, Michaeline Nelson and Stephen Wandro, received awards at the UC Irvine Bio Sci Graduate Honors Convocation on June…

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A team led by a graduate student in the Whiteson lab, Stephen Wandro, recently posted an analysis of preterm infant microbiomes from the Children’s Hospital in Orange County

April 10, 2017

Microbial Community Assembly And Metabolite Profile Of The Gut Microbiome In Extremely Low Birthweight Infants

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